Corporate Social Responsibilities

At AksharChem, environment sustainability is not just compliance to laws it is more about our concern. It is as important to us as our business growth. We being a proactive organisation emphasised on investment to develop environment management systems, install effluent treatment plants and developing a green belt within the factory premises by planting various species of trees.
We are amongst the few chemical manufacturing companies globally to have internationally recognised processes that ensure minimum waste generated per unit, treat wastes to permissible limits before disposal, emits fewer pollutants and recycle & reuse wastes. We take our concern for environment one step ahead by motivating and providing regular training to employees for encouraging them to reduce water, fuel and energy consumption.
We undertake CSR activities either directly or through contribution to various trusts. Till date, we spent a sum of more than Rs. 4 Crores towards improving sanitation and healthcare, conservation of natural resources and promoting education and day care centres. We have also arranged for basic facilities such as drinking water, prayer hall for nearby schools, and cultural centres in nearby villages. We are actively focused on enhancing activities in the areas of education and healthcare.